E-commerce terms and conditions for DANHOSTEL Silkeborg

    (Valid from 22.04.13).


    Below you can read about how we handle your information, booking, payment etc. during under and after your booking.

    When referring to DANHOSTEL it means DANHOSTEL Silkeborg.


    1stof January 2013 we have introduced new prices – stated in Danish kroner including VAT.

    Payment is made by using one of the approved credit cards for online booking. There will be no charge for transaction.

    You can stay at DANHOSTEL without a Danhostel card or HI International card.

    A 10% discount can be achieved if booking is made online at www.8682.dkwww.danhostel.dk or www.hihostel.comif you either have a Danhostel fordelskort or an international HI-hostel card.  

    A Danhostel fordelskort is only for Citizens with a residence in Denmark.

    HI International card - for foreigners with an address abroad.

    In case of purchases of a total package - such as Riverboat Jazz Festival, Regatta etc. - discount can not be achieved.

    When using credit card for payment, information will be registered on an encrypted server before sent online.

    Information on Internet transaction:

    As a consumer you are secured to any misuse of your credit card on the internet.

    Learn more here: www.betaling.dkwww.fdih.dk

    Receipt for your Purchase:

    If you have provided us with a correct e-mail address, you will receive following immediately after your booking and payment of the purchase as shown in the cart:

    1. Confirmation of your payment via DIBS

    2. A booking confirmation from our online system of your purchase + date of arrival and departure.

    Time for arrival is between 16:00 - 18:00. For check in later than 18.00 you have to phone us before 18.00 to make arrangement about your late arrival.

    On the day of departure, keys need to be returned at 10:00.

    Right of cancellation and refund:

    (Exception of: groups, conferences etc. where a contracts have been made).

    Always written cancellation.

    In cases of on-line bookings concerning family- or individual bookings:

    • 0-7 days prior to arrival you will loose your entire payment.

    • Until 7 days before arrival we charge a cancellation-fee of DKK 200.
    • (We shall concider the fee if it comes to more rooms, but overall cancellation-fee is per room.)

    Package Deals: Riverboat Jazz Festival and other package deals where multiple items are included.

    • 0-30 prior to arrival you will loose your entire payment.
    • 30 days prior to arrival we charge a cancellation-fee of DKK 1000.

    Registration of information:

    DANSHOTEL register your name, address, e-mail and other information submitted in connection to the purchase in our costumer database. This information will not be passed any further but is kept in our registration for 5 years. DANHOSTEL use server side cookies and a secure connection to create security on the information provided by you on the site.

    Handling of complaints:

    If for any reason you do not receive contract information confirming your purchase, and you have not received an error message from the system, please notice us on this e-mail: silkeborg@danhostel.dk

    Any complaints about booking process, the actual booking or the product (your stay) must be lodged within a reasonable time after you have, or should have, become aware of the error by means of a general review of your contract. You may complain in writing or verbally at departure. We will make an effort to help sorting out problems considering your complaints. We will as well take consideration of a possible refund, exchange or discount of your purchase

    One year after receipt of the product (your stay), the right to complain lapses pursuant to the Sale of Goods Act Section 83(1), unless otherwise agreed.

    Company Information:

    DANHOSTEL Silkeborg

    Responsible manager Angela & Poul Wiedemann

    Åhavevej 55, 8600 Silkeborg

    e-mail: silkborg@danhostel.dk tlf.: +45 86823642

    www.silkeborg-danhostel.dk Direct online-booking: www.8682.dk

    CVR: 39093235

    Bank: Jyske Bank 7418 1032496


    IBAN: DK98 7418 000 1032496