Terms and conditions for online booking

    Prices and payment

    All prices are stated in Danish kroner (DKK) including VAT.

    Room prices may vary according to season, demand, etc. When you select the desired period, the booking page shows the total price for the period for the room types that are available. Prices and cancellation conditions for online booking are the same as for booking by direct contact.

    Unless otherwise agreed, payment for a stay is due when the booking has been completed. When booking online, you pay online by card, and the amount is deducted from the card immediately. The payment options for other bookings appear in the confirmation we send per e-mail.


    Your booking can be canceled up to 7 days before arrival. In case of timely cancellation, the amount paid is refunded minus a reservation fee of DKK 100 per room.
    If you do not show up or cancel less than 7 days before arrival, the amount paid will not be refunded. Cancellation must be in writing and must be sent to us by e-mail.

    Registration of information

    We register your name, address, email and other information provided in connection with your order in our customer register. The information is not passed on to third parties, but we keep the registration for 5 years for reasons of accounting and statistics.
    When paying online with a credit card, the registration takes place via a payment provider, and we do not have access to your card details.

    If you wish to complain about your stay, you must contact Danhostel Gjerrild hostel immediately after you have discovered errors or deficiencies in your stay. If Danhostel Gjerrild hostel does not agree with you, or you are not satisfied with any compensation provided, you can complain to the appeal board for hotels, restaurants and tourism on this website: hrt-ankenaevn.dk.

    The EU Commission's online complaints portal can also be used when submitting a complaint. This is particularly relevant if you are a consumer residing in another EU country. Complaints can be submitted here: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr