Terms and conditions regarding e-trade for Danhostel Odense City
Terms of sales and delivery
In the following text you will find useful information regarding the use of online booking. You can read how we handle your information, how you’ll receive your receipt upon purchases and more.
All prices in CITYS online booking, is just as the rest of the website, is displayed in Danish kroner including VAT., unless it is clearly specified in the given situation.
Payment will be made with approved credit cards in the online booking. Such cards are Dankort, Visa, Mastercard and Diners. No extra fees/charges apply on transaction through the online booking.
Shipping and delivery
Upon booking and paying for a room, bed, breakfast, renting sheets and other services, you will be displayed a contract from CITY with the total bill. The contract can be printed from the website after completion of the booking, and will be forwarded by e-mail immediately thereafter, given that a valid e-mail address has been provided.
Delivery of the product that has been booked online, takes place upon arrival at CITY on the date of arrival (and ends on the departure date). Both these dates are stated in the before-mentioned contract.
Cancellation and refund
It’s possible to cancel a booking on the following terms:
· The booking can be cancelled up to 7 days before arrival. Upon timely cancellation you will be refunded the whole amount, minus a administrations fee of 200 DKK.
· By cancelling less than 7 days before arrival, there is no entitlement for refund
Privacy and handling of personal information:
CITY registers your name, address, e-mail as well as other information provided when booking online, in our customer database. The information is not shared with any third party, but is stored within CITY for 5 years.
CITY uses server side cookies and a secure connection to ensure the safety of the information you provide on our website.
Payment with credit card will take place on a secure server where the information is encrypted before being processed.
Claim Processing and handling of complaint
In the unlikely event that you do not receive your contract, which server as your receipt, and you have not receiving an error message, please contact us with using the information below.
Complaints about the booking process, the booking itself or the product(your stay) must be made within reasonable time of the discovery or should have discovered the error through a general review of the contract. Complaint can be out forward either written or vocal. The right to complaint expires 1 year after the reception of the product (your stay) according to DANISH LAW Købelovens §83, stk. 1, unless agreed otherwise.
When CITY receives the complaint about the product, it will be processed as soon as possible. CITY will then whether or not to refund the full amount or to compensate.
Danhostel Odense City
Østre Stationsvej 31
5000 Odense C
Tlf.: 6311 0425
E-mail: info@cityhostel.dk