Danhostel Ebeltoft – Always Developing

    Line Juhl Kronow

    Knud Hansen, host at Danhostel Ebeltoft and managing director of Ebeltoft Sports Centre, certainly does not intend to sit still for the next couple of years. However, he expects them to be the last for him in the labour market.

    Knud Hansen has been the manager of both locations for the last thirteen years and has never really had the chance to sit still. There was - and still is - always something to do.

    Focus on delivering Great Service

    Visitors to Danhostel Ebeltoft vary.  Approximately 10% of guests come to use the sports centre and a large percentage book accommodation in connection with conferences, courses and family events.  Therefore, there is a great focus on delivering a varied product which offers accommodation, modern meeting rooms, professional catering, a relaxed atmosphere, a well-equipped sports facility, plus great meals for family celebrations.

    For Knud, good service means that guests should not have to think of anything. They should feel safe and secure knowing that everything will go according to plan and is in safe hands.  His service philosophy bore fruit in his first year as host.  It was expected that the businesses would not turn a profit before 5 years, however, in the first year, there were 11,000 overnight stays. Knud admits that the support of the local community has been crucial. People come for various events at least 4-5 times a year. It means a lot to him and Danhostel Ebeltoft that word of mouth - the oldest marketing technique - produce such excellent results.  People obviously like what they experience at Danhostel Ebeltoft and the sports centre, and recommend them to others.  Knud also recognises that great service is crucial to growth.

    New initiatives

    Part of the success is also due to the constant development that Danhostel Ebeltoft has undergone under Knud’s knowledgeable directions.  There have been new projects and initiatives each year since he began as manager.  The next project at Danhostel Ebeltoft will be a large sun terrace at the end of the building that will allow guests to enjoy the evening sun during the summer months.

    Read more about Danhostel Ebeltoft here.

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    Danhostel Esbjerg has a New Hostess
    Line Juhl Kronow

    Sally Due Sperling will be the new hostess at Danhostel Esbjerg on January 1, 2020. She will replace Marianne and Børge Bull who will say goodbye after 23 wonderful years as hosts at Danhostel Esbjerg. Sally is not a stranger to Danhostel as she is the current hostess at Danhostel Kolding and will say goodbye at the end of 2019.

    School Camps at Danhostel for more than 20 Years
    Line Juhl Kronow

    For more than 20 years, Marie Kruses School in Farum has held yearly school camps at Danhostel Ribe. Teacher, Anders Krarup, celebrates the fact that he has been to all 20 school camps.