Decadent Danish Desserts
Lately, these have become my favourite treats - chocolate covered egg whites, known as flødeboller, wrapped in chocolate, flavoured with liquorice, fruits or other exciting additions such as rhubarb! The brand, Summerbird, is growing on me day by day. I go in often and get free samples, then purchase a different type each time I visit. What a delight!
Layer Cakes
The best layer cakes made from plain sponge or chocolate cake have from two to as many layers as you like. In Denmark, you have the luxury of buying pre-made packages with three layers. Made with whipped cream between each layer and fruits (if you so desire), then topped with fruits, chocolate and/or marzipan, this cake can be used for any occasion and you do not have to include the “Dannebrog”!
Rødgrød med fløde
Try saying this dessert in Danish and get your tongue tied in knots. While it is hard to say, it is easy to make. Heat red berries – choose your favourite - with a little sugar and vanilla. Slightly thicken the sauce with a bit of cornstarch. Serve with cream. I thought that was easy. How about you?
Liquorice, known as lakrids in Danish and pronounced as lakriss, can be sweet, strong, hot, salty, or a combination of tastes. Each bite does crazy things to your taste buds and if you are not careful, this could grow on you...
These multi-layered pastries known to the world as ‘Danish’ come in all lengths, sizes and tastes. Be prepared to bite into the many delicious layers to find cream, fruits, chocolate, marzipan or jam. Make sure you have napkins available to catch the bits of tasty, crispy dough, shed with each bite.
All this dessert talk has left me hungry! I think I will have lunch, then visit a pastry shop ASAP.
When you come to Copenhagen, eat with the Danes and taste a bit of their culture. You will get a bit closer to understanding what ‘Danish hygge’ is all about.