Prices, Classification and Ratings

Each Danhostel determines the price for accommodation, and there can be a significant difference in cost based on the location, season and room type. The prices are more reasonable when there are more guests in the same room. To view the room rates at a specific hostel, check our homepage and click on the hostel of your choice using the map of Denmark as your guide.
Prices on our website reflect the cost for guests with a valid Hostelling International (HI) card. Children under two years stay free with their parents.
Rental of Beds in a Shared Room
Danhostels provide accommodation in rooms with private and shared bathrooms. Guests can book a bed in a shared room between July 1 and September 15. However, booking of beds in shared rooms between September 16 and June 30 vary, based on the specific Danhostel.
5-Star Rating System
Danhostels’ 5-star rating system and its classification based on 32 objective criteria, rates the buildings, common areas, sleeping areas, basic services and interior design. The hostel’s rating does not include the atmosphere, location and amenities.
Guests' Rating
If you book accommodation at a Danhostel (over the phone, by mail or via our website), you will receive an email asking you to evaluate your experience. Guests can then rate us so others can know what they think about their stay. When the specific Danhostel receives more than three ratings or reviews, the results are displayed on the hostel’s profile page at